Key resources for setting SENCOs
Assessment and tracking progress of children with SEND
- EY SEND ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT - Appendix One - Printable
- EY SEND ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT - Appendix One - Electronic
Applying for Early Years Inclusion Funding
- Inclusion Fund (
- EYIF application Example
- Guidance on completing an application for EYIF
Applying for Disability Access Fund
Applying for additional funding to support a child with an EHCP
- Sharing-Concerns-with-Families-in-Early-Years-Settings
- Top tips for managing difficult conversations
- Emerging SEND Parent meeting record
We have also created the following 'parent guide' leaflets that you may find useful to share with parents/carers.
- The-Childs-Voice-final-March-2021
- 'The voice of the child'. - A short film by Norfolk County Council showing how observation and communication tools can be used to understand a child's needs and wishes.
Developing Continual Professional Development (CPD), including links to training from other providers
You can find information about SEND training offered by 'Dingley's Promise' and EYSEND Partnership by following this link.
The following websites also offer free webinars and resources that may support your CPD for staff. However, as they are external websites, we do not control their content.
- West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership offers free webinars which provide an introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma Informed Practice.
- NASEN offers some free resources, webinars and online courses for Early Years settings.
- Anna Freud offers free training on a range of subjects including 'Birth trauma', 'Attachment' and 'Managing challenging behaviour'.
- Contact, a charity for families of disabled children offer free webinars for parents as well as webinars for professionals.
- Speech & Language UK in conjunction with EYSEND partnership are offering free training for people who work with families of children in the Early Years.
- Council for Disabled Children in conjunction with EYSEND partnership are offering free training for Early Years professionals and parents across England.
We also have the following documents to support you to audit, plan and record SEND CPD for staff.