The Graduated Approach and EHC assessment requests
Information and documents to support the ‘Graduated Approach’ and the cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ (APDR).
- EY SEND ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT – Appendix One – Printable
- EY SEND ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT – Appendix One – Electronic
Guidance for writing and reviewing a ‘Solihull EY SEND Support Plan’:
- Solihull EY END Support Plan BLANK
- Solihull’s EY SEND Support Plan Example
- Writing SMART Targets
- Smart Target – Examples
- Target builder
Links to other services to make a referral:
- Solihull Speech & Language Therapy Service
- Solihull Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service
- Solihull Specialist Assessment Service (SAS)
How to make a request for Early Years Inclusion funding:
Please visit the Solihull Local Offer website, where you can find more information on when and how to make a request for Early Years Inclusion Funding.
- Solihull-EYIF-SEN-Application-Form-December-2024_ GUIDANCE
- Individual Costed Provision Mapping
- Costed provision Maps PVIs
- Early years costed provision map
When and how to make a request for an EHC Assessment:
Please visit the Solihull Local Offer website where you can find information and relevant documents regarding the EHC Assessment process.