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Early Education Funding

The Family Information Service support approved funded providers to enable them to offer and claim Early Education Funding for eligible children from 9 months old to 4 years.

We are responsible for maintaining a directory of approved Early Education Funded providers.

2024/25 and 2025/26 Academic Year Planners for 9 month, 2, 3 and 4 year old funding

Please see below the key dates and entitlement for the academic year to enable you to plan your finances.

Funding is available at up to 10 hours per day and 15 hours per week totaling a maximum of 570 hours per academic year. This is equivalent to 38 weeks per year, if the full 15 hours per week is accessed. Consequently the number of hours in the financial year may differ.

Funding may be accessed between 6am and 8pm and at a maximum of 2 sites per day. Funding cannot be accessed at a second provider if;

  • an offer of the full entitlement has been accepted at a School Nursery/Reception for that term or
  • an offer has been received at a School reception for that term.

The level of funding cannot be increased or decreased mid term.

You will find all the information you need on these webpages however you can contact us if you have any further queries.

Please see the Contact Us section to find out who you need to contact if you need any support with Early Education Funding or cannot find what you are looking for on these webpages.