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Induction process for newly funded providers

Please follow this induction process once your application has been approved. If you haven’t already applied please complete an application form.

We understand there is a lot of information regarding Early Education Funding so we would advise you to complete the following steps before submitting a claim to the Family Information Service.

Contact Details

To ensure that information is sent to your correct email address and that we have up to date contact details please complete the contact details form and return it to

These details will not be supplied to any third party.

Statutory Guidance

We recommend you become familiar with the Provider Agreement, the latest Statutory Guidance for Early Education Funding and the rates at which funding is paid. These can be found on the Forms and Guidance webpage. For information on the amount of funding that is available each academic year a academic planner can be found on our homepage.

Before claiming, every parent / guardian must be made aware of the Privacy Notice to advise that the child’s information will be passed onto the Department for Education. This can found on the Forms and Guidance webpage.

Claiming for the first time

When you are ready to start claiming we will need to set you up with a provider portal account. Please contact us to request an account via For guidance around claiming on the Provider Portal please click here.

In order to pay your funding we will require your bank details. Please complete a Supplier BACS details form and return to prior to your first funding claim.

If you are a Maintained School or Governor Run setting, we will need you to advise us of your Cost Centre so that we can make a Journal Transfer for funding payments.

Please note, we operate two payments schemes – monthly or via a 75% advance/25% headcount payment.

Childminders will automatically be paid monthly, daycare providers via the 75% advance/25% headcount payment method. Please inform us if you want to switch to the other payment method.

Funding information

2 year old funding is only available for approved children who meet the eligibility criteria for either the disadvantaged or working families scheme, please see information in the link below.

Universal funding is available for all 3 and 4 year old children the term after their 3rd birthday. 30 hours extended funding is available for some 3 and 4 year old children who meet the eligibility criteria, please see information in the link below.  

In addition supplements are payable to providers for some 2, 3 and 4 year olds eligible for Disability Access Fund (DAF), Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Deprivation.

Inclusion funding is available to providers for 2, 3 and 4 year olds who have additional needs and/or disabilities.

Please familiarise with the following information;

Please click here for the current term’s information. This will contain information on the funding available and the deadlines for submitting your funding claim.

You will be notified by email when a new term’s information is available on the webpages.

If you need any support then please don’t hesitate to contact us.