How to become a funded provider in Solihull
If you are an Ofsted registered childcare provider in Solihull you may be able to offer Early Education Funding. To be a funded provider in Solihull you must adhere to our Provider Agreement v1.9 and the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities.
Please note:
- you will not be able to offer Early Education Funding if your latest Ofsted grade is Inadequate and Ofsted have safeguarding concerns.
If you haven’t been Ofsted inspected yet you will be able to offer Early Education Funding straight away and this will be reviewed once you have received your first inspection.
When funding has been claimed, it is mandatory to complete a Department for Education Census Return each Spring term. Instructions will be sent to you prior to the Early Years Census.
To be included on the Solihull directory of funded providers please complete an application form and return it to the Family Information Service at
Once we have received your application we will process this within 5 working days and further information on the funding process will be sent to you.