Early Years News
December 21, 2023
Solihull EYC Leaders and Managers
Happy Christmas to all our Leaders, Manager and hard working early years and childcare practitioners,
Christine Bickle has retired during the Autumn term. We wish her health and happiness and thanks for all the children, families and settings that she has supported during her years as an Early Years Inclusion Support Practitioner.
Thanks Chrissy
Dingley’s Promise Inclusion Training –certificates
Many of you have now signed up to the Dingley’s Promise Inclusion Modules. We have one school with a Mark of Achievement. We have lots and lots of nearly completed modules. If you have worked your way through a module, but not completed the final quiz and evaluation, please consider finalising the module. You will then be able to download your certificate [and your setting may be able to apply for a mark of achievement]. I had almost completed a few of my modules- the quiz was quite simple. I did need to try the quiz twice on a couple of modules, when the answers were not as clear [not hard just I felt there could be a couple of answers]. So please update your account [log in info attached]. Thankyou.
https://www.solgrid.org.uk/eyc/training/training-from-other-providers/ – Dingley’s Promise information
Professional Development Programme- free DFE training with some cover costs
Some have you have signed up to the Spring term cohort. Information about payments to LAs and active trainees is available here
The final cohort is signing up with places filling fast for the final opportunity to access this free training. Attendees said they had increased confidence and ability to support the 3 area in the training. They could see the positive changes in how children communicate and negotiate conflict. Practitioners felt more confident when talking to parents about their PSE needs.
Follow the link here to sign up.
Early Years Inclusion Fund (EYIF)
We had high numbers of applications for EYIF again at the December panel. Thankyou to those who read a selection of applications and took part on the decision making panel. Please get parent’s consent. Some applications were rejected because the evidence of the graduated approach was not clear. Remember to attach reviewed plan(s) to your application and use the Graduated Approach document to consider setting support which is above universal support for children with additional support needs. Area SENCos will inform the panel about level 2 children and those who are EEF exceptions (not EEF funded). Settings need to complete the form and send reviewed plans showing what you are doing (not just the child’s needs) to adjust your provision to support those needs, and to review and adapt where necessary. Repeatedly writing the same targets and reviewing that they are not met, without adaptation, is not following a graduated approach. The panel need to be able to clearly identify your review timescales. The EYIF panel want to fund settings to support children with higher needs but need to consistently follow the flowchart attached.
Further training is available here…
- Child Minders: https://www.solgrid.org.uk/eyc/training/childminder-training/send-for-childminders/
- EYIF- How to guides apply: https://www.solgrid.org.uk/eyc/send/send-training-support/
- video and guidance: https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Children-and-family-support/localoffer/inclusion-fund (including cut off dates – no exceptions)
- Graduated Approach and Setting Smart Target training: https://www.solgrid.org.uk/eyc/send/send-training-support/
Sadly, this time of year can be challenging for many people. This will include the children and families you support. We have updated the safeguarding and welfare contact sheet and added the Early Help flowchart to the back. https://www.solgrid.org.uk/eyc/resources/safeguarding-and-welfare/
SSCP are seeking feedback about the new Threshold Guidance….let us know what you think. We will be seeking your views later to feedback to SSCP.
We hope that you have a fun and restful break. Thank you for all you do for the children and young people across Solihull and beyond.
We look forward to working with you in the new year.
Happy Holidays from the Early Years Team.