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EY News Jan 3 2025

January 29, 2025

For Solihull early education and childcare leads, 

Special Educational Needs – share your views 

A cross-party group of MPs called the Education Select Committee is undertaking an inquiry on finding short and longer term solutions to the crisis in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision in England. The inquiry closes on Thursday 30 January [23.59], have you shared your views?  Early Years needs to be represented in this inquiry so write as little of as much as you can.

Call for Evidence – Committees – UK Parliament [link]

People who help us in Solihull

We have recorded the input from a range of people who can support families and settings. The recording will soon be available here –

Sign up to the text service so you know when the recording goes live.

Solihull Early Education and Childcare Business Conference

Please see your Solihull Childcare Business Conference Invite for the opportunity to attend a free business conference in Solihull. You will also get the opportunity to win gifts for you and your team.  Thursday 27th February 2025, 9:30am – 2pm- face to face event in associate with STEAMhouse Forward . Contact  for business support.

Last Chance to Share Your Input – Help Shape Our Business Support Workshop [reminder]

This is a quick reminder to have your say in shaping our upcoming Early Years & Wrap Around Business Support Workshop…………

Solihull Local Authority, the region’s Investment Readiness Programme (WMCA), and Birmingham City University, are developing a session tailored to your business and financial support needs. Your input will ensure it truly meets your requirements!

If you haven’t already, please take just five minutes to complete this short questionnaire:

👉 Survey Link

We’d love to hear from you before we finalise the workshop designed with you in mind. Thank you for your time and support—we look forward to sharing more details soon!

To celebrate National Story Telling Week………….

In my family we had a story telling bag full of finger puppets and random props. Every now and again, instead of a bedtime story, my 2 boys chose 2 objects, and we had to create a story from the 4 characters and props picked from the bag. I like to think my eldest went on to do a degree in literacy and creative writing because of that early exposure to stories and story making. If you need any further persuasion ….see the links below for inspiration ….and enjoy.

Education Endowment Foundation -evidence store

Harriet the Hedgehog Makaton Story [The Royal Parks]

Join a library story session

Ofsted -Best Start summary

The crucial role of storytelling in early childhood education


Ask Solihull Music Service for some free coaching and see how you can incorporate music into your story telling