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EYFS Research request to explore the experiences of people working in the early years sector

May 31, 2022

EYFS Research request to explore the experiences of people working in the early years sector

DfE want to speak to childminders and people working in nurseries to gather their views and get feedback on a new service. The wider aim for this project is to provide information and training for the early years workforce.

When   We plan to run the research in early June.

What to expect    Research sessions will last a maximum of 45 minutes and will be conducted online. The Department for Education will require your consent before research can take place. Once consent has been received we will send an email asking you to select a date that’s suitable to you.How to sign up   If you or your colleagues are interested in taking part please read the information sheet and fill out the consent form below.

Read the participant information and provide consent by clicking here

Any questions   Please email or