Previously looked after
The information applies to children who leave care through adoption, special guardianship orders (SGO) or child arrangement orders (CAO)
For children in care, the aim is for them to achieve permanence in their lives. For some younger children in care, this will be through adoption or other legal processes.
Schools that have children who are previously looked-after, and subject to adoption, special guardianship order or child arrangement order (known as ‘previously looked-after’) are eligible to claim the pupil premium. In order to do this, the head teacher should invite parents to self-declare that they have a previously looked-after child. Once this has happened the head teacher should request sight of the legal paperwork, such as a court order or certificate. This needs to be indicated on the schools management information system before the January census in order for the school census to be accurate. The funding is sent directly to the school along with the free school meal (FSM) pupil premium. Please note, however, parents are not obliged to declare this information.
For those children attending early years settings the arrangements are different. Details of how to claim for the early years pupil premium for adopted children can be accessed from the Family Information Service 0800 3898667 or
The Children and Social Work Act received royal assent in 2017 and the commencement order relating to legislation for children previously looked-after children is now in place. On Monday, 26 February 2018 the DfE published statutory guidance documents for schools and local authorities. This came into effect in September 2018.
In addition to new responsibilities for designated teachers and virtual school heads relating to children who have been adopted from care, who have special guardianship orders and those under a child arrangement order, the documents have been substantially changed to ensure that local authorities and school governing bodies have clear guidance on how to meet statutory duties.
Children and young people previously looked after – EHCP
If you are a parent or carer for a previously looked after child and the young person has an education, health and care plan (EHCP) we recommend contact is made with Solihull SEND IASS. This is an impartial, free and confidential service and operates at arms-length from the local authority. To read more about impartiality, please see the website