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Found 15 results
Sustainable Careers & Skills
…of Sustainability at University of Worcester Recording: Recordings of students sharing experiences of their courses Student perspectives Chloe Hart Global Sustainability Masters at Exeter University BA Geography degree…
University of Birmingham research for secondary religious education teachers
…The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues at the University of Birmingham is conducting research into views and personal lives of religious education teachers. The survey should take approximately…
University of Wolverhampton – leadership conference
…The University of Wolverhampton is hosting a leadership conference on 15th February 2019. Please see flier below….
Post 16
…to Learn applications. Further information is available from Education institutions can manage Care to Learn applications and/or vulnerable student bursary claims. Considering University? Unite Foundation has free university accommodation…
Higher education
…questions about the website or the NNECL network please get in touch with Rachel Lad, Collaborative Outreach Network Manager, University of Winchester, Tel. +44 (0)1962 827688 or email…
Primary STEM conference
…science teaching along side time to talk and share ideas with other primary practitioners. It will be held at Birmingham City University on 18 June 2020, 9 – 4pm….
Solihull Health & Wellbeing Board issues call to action about MMR vaccine
…to check that they are covered as they attend their first festivals, travel to countries with ongoing measles outbreaks or start university. Please share this information with parents, staff, and…
Research Project in Primary Schools
…Raquel da Silva is a researcher at the University of Birmingham. She is conducting a research project on ‘Prevent in Primary Schools’ and is asking educators in Primary schools…