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Found 15 results

Farmington scholarships 2019/2020


…be taken at a local university (we have links with 15 throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) or can be home-based with a local tutor. Further information and an…

Urgent care services for children in Solihull


University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Solihull and Heartlands hospitals, is asking all schools to pass on an important message to parents about where to take their…

Midland history forum conference


…The Midland History Forum Conference is being held at School of Education, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT on Saturday 6th October 2018. For further information, please see…

FREE Creating Engagement in the Science Classroom conference


…The University of Wolverhampton would like to invite you to a free CPD conference on 13th/14th July aimed at both primary and secondary science educators from across the West…

New research into the use of ability groupings in early years and key stage 1


University College London, said: “Teachers told us that the pressure upon schools to demonstrate continuously improving data in the Phonics Screening Check and KS1 SATS appears to exert a downward…
