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training and CPD

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Details of the spring LA primary maths moderation sessions and related paperwork are attached below.

Please note that all of this term’s sessions are full.

Please see letter and paperwork attached below regarding this term’s science moderation sessions.

Are you a primary headteacher who wants to further develop your skills in coaching… This free programme led by CUREE incorporates a bespoke mix of face to face continuing professional development and learning experiences with live coaching and videos, tools and resources including selected packs from the effective mentoring and coaching (EMAC) suite. For full details, please see flier attached below.

Publication subject: ,

Date:               Thursday, 4 April 2019

Time:              9:30am – 3:30pm (lunch provided)

Venue:            Sans Souci training centre

Tutor:             Di Chilvers, advisory consultant in early childhood education

Audience:      Early years teachers and practitioners


Talk for reading focuses on the way that children’s talk underpins the development of their reading (and writing). For further information, see flyer below.

Talk for reading focuses on the way that children’s talk underpins the development of their reading (and writing).

We will look at:

The development of talk; the crucial role of serve and return conversations; building firm foundations in communication and language to support reading.

Research findings related to language and early reading – what are the implications for learning and teaching, looking at the proposed revisions to the EYFS?

Ask the question “When does talk turn into reading?”

Please see flier below for more details.