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Search results for: 旺簽超级簽不限行業(电报Qianmingipa8).oor

Found 12 results

Solihull Moors football club


Solihull Moors currently offers PPA cover following the National Curriculum, football and multi sports after school club based at your school as well as support for school football…

Football Association Primary Teachers’ Award


Solihull Moors Football Club will be running the FA Primary Teachers Award (PTA) FREE of charge after half term. The course is aimed at qualified teachers including those…

Discover Earth Hub Day


…Earthwatch Institute will be delivering outdoor learning CPD training at Tudor Grange Academy, Kingshurst Outdoor Education Centre on Thursday 23 May 2019 between 1.00pm and 4.00pm. For further information,…

Educational visits/learning outside the classroom activities – important guidance for schools


Solihull Council supports schools with learning outside the classroom opportunities and arranging a wide range of out of school activities, e.g. visits to museums, trips to the countryside,…

Parent/carer support group – Dyspraxia Foundation West Midlands


…9pm Location: Marston Green Parish Hall, Elmdon Road B37 7BT Price: £5 on the door for non-members, free for members of the Dyspraxia Foundation. Email us to express your…

Invite to troubled families workshop


…10am at The Loft, 2nd Floor, West Mall, Chelmsley Wood Shopping Centre, B37 5TN Friday 5 July, 10am at Sans Souci, Tanworth Lane, Shirley, B90 4DD Please book onto one…

Early years


…and beyond. Children who experience high quality provision develop better social, emotional and cognitive abilities. Conversely, poor quality provision does not support children’s learning and development in the long term….

Science events for primary schools


…north Solihull at the Tudor Grange Academy Kingshurst site, using their outdoor education centre, including their pond zone. The address is TGA Kingshurst, Cooks Lane, Birmingham, B37 6NU. The afternoon…

Football Association Primary Teachers’ Award


Solihull Moors Football Club will be running the FA Primary Teachers’ Award (PTA) FREE of charge after half term. The course is aimed at qualified teachers including those…

Cameron Grant Memorial Trust


…raise money for the charity and order ‘Cameron’s coasters’. The purpose of the coasters is to encourage those with poor mental health to speak up and ask for help….
