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Progress in conceptual understanding in RE

Continuity and progression in RE should be seen not simply in terms of an accumulation of knowledge but rather as a development of appropriate concepts, attitudes and skills. For each keys stage it is important to have a scheme of work which builds up concepts, knowledge and skills, from the simple to the more complex.

Below is an example of the concept of the sacred and how the learning progresses from each key stage.

Topic: Sacred Writings: What is the meaning of the sacred?

Key stage 1

Key Question: What is the Holy Bible?

Learning Objective: A

Pupils will:

  • know and recognise stories from the Bible and understand that they are important to Christians
  • know is in the Bible and is important to both Jews and Christians
  • explore the meaning of the words holy and sacred in describing the Bible

Learning Objective: B

Pupils will:

  • Reflect on what is precious or sacred in their own lives and express their ideas  through art and music

Key stage 2

Key Question: How should sacred texts be treated?

Learning Objective: A

Pupils will:

  • understand the way in which followers of religion treat holy books as sacred
  • explore the different expressions of practice and belief regarding  the holy scriptures including the Guru Granth Sahib and the Holy Qur’an

Learning Objective: B

Pupils will:

  • understand that not all holy scriptures are treated the same way and to know why

Key stage 3

Key Question: Sacred texts: Sacred but not true?

Learning Objective: A

Pupils will:

  • develop an understanding of the question of the sacred in terms of belief and truth.
  • ask philosophical questions about scriptures that are seen as sacred whether they need to be true for believers

Learning Objective: B

Pupils will:

  • Reflect on the meaning of the sacred in their own lives e.g. is life sacred?Can you believe in the sacred but not God?
  • Is there a need for the sacred or is it meaningless?