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Welcome to the Solihull Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education

The purpose of religious education in Solihull schools is to enable each child and young person to gain knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other religions and worldviews, to learn to show respect for and build bridges between different beliefs and practices, people of different faiths and life stances, and to contribute towards their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Religious education plays an important and unique role in each child’s and young person’s education enabling them to understand their spiritual identity, to adhere to moral values and to learn to play their role in promoting community cohesion and inclusion in our increasingly diverse society.

What does Solihull SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) do for you?

ensure the local involvement and shaping of the RE provided in the area;

provide opportunities to raise awareness of and explore sensitivities in RE teaching;

support consistency and progression in RE teaching across the phases of education;

advise the LA, Government and schools of training needs of teachers of RE arising in the locality;

monitor quality and encourage improvement in RE and collective worship;

provide a public forum for the local RE community

(National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education)

Solihull Agreed Syllabus (June, 2017)

See our About Us page to find out who SACRE’s representatives are.

Training oportunities

Nothing coming up. Here's the most recent:

Example training event

8.00am Sat 1st Jul 2017
Sans Souci
