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There is a range of support resources available to schools on the Solgrid website including a toolkit from the Samaritans specifically focussed on how schools can respond in the event of a completed or attempted suicide.

The NSPCC has published Suicide: learning from case reviews, a summary of risk factors and learning for improved practice around suicide. This is available from here.

We need to talk about suicide is an eLearning programme for all schools, except infant schools. The programme is specifically aimed at making sure that everyone in contact with the public, in whatever role, knows how to spot any signs of mental distress and feel comfortable in talking about suicide. The programme supports learning and development in suicide competence at level one.


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‘We need to talk about suicide: helping everyone to feel more confident to talk about suicide’ is an eLearning programme that has been developed for the wider public health workforce including voluntary sector, blue light services, prison staff, health and social care. It was developed by a range of experts including those with experience who attempted to take their own lives and those bereaved and affected by suicide.

For further information, please see flyer below.



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Solihull Council is launching the ‘Solihull Zero Suicide Pledge’ on Monday 10 September to support World Suicide Prevention Day and we need your help to promote the Pledge.   

The Pledge is all about looking after family, friends and colleagues, becoming more aware of any concerning changes and asking if they are ok.  There is free online training to help people spot the warning signs in others and details of support services are provided. 

Please encourage your staff and parents to sign up to the Pledge.


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ASIST is aimed at everybody (over the age of 16). PAPYRUS aims to train as many varied professionals and members of the community including; natural helpers and advisers, emergency service workers, counsellors, teachers, ministers, mental health staff, workers in health, welfare and justice, parents/relatives and community volunteers.

For further information and to book on please see links below.