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training and CPD

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The autumn moderation for primary writing will be taking place in November. Please find the relevant paperwork below for those attending.

Please note that all 3 sessions are now FULL.

Peacemakers and the Peace Hub are hosting another free workshop at their premises in central Birmingham. The workshop is for 4 children [KS2] and one adult, two if required.

Workshop dates are Monday 5th November or Friday 9th November, 9:45am – 14:30pm

We will be thinking about the choices people made during WW1, and how those choices influence us today.  We will also be thinking about what we can do today to stand up for peace.

The workshop will be interactive and engaging and will hopefully inspire your four young people to go back to school and share their thinking with their peers.

Please return the attached booking form as soon as you can. We have space for 3 schools on each day and priority will be given to schools who have not attended these workshops before.



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Please find attached flyer with details of the Ashden Less CO2 programme and workshops. This is the 4th year of the programme and I expect it will be the last year with FREE energy audits for schools. The programme requires a bursar, site manager or eco-lead to commit to 4 half day workshops of the school year. As soon as we have recruited all the schools we will plan a date for the first workshop which will be sometime this term. Please could you contact Sarah Lardner, Sustainability Engagement Officer on 0121 704 6874 ( or Sarah Evans, Energy Officer on 0121 704 8355 ( if you are interested. It would be a shame for your school to miss out on a free energy audit.

For further details of the Ashden Less CO2 programme and workshops.

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Please find below the link to invite you to attend an Early Years event with Gill Jones HMI, Deputy Director of Early Education at Ofsted. Gill will be talking about future publications and themes that have been identified during Ofsted’s inspection of early years. It is also an opportunity to reflect alongside colleagues from Worcestershire.

Dates for all Unity TSA Professional Learning & Development and Training for Autumn and Spring Terms. Courses include a range of subject specific and professional pathway support, as well as core skills training. For full details, please see below.


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