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I would be grateful if you could let me have notification of your five INSET days for the new academic year September 2019-July 2020.

We have been advised by our Electoral Registration department that there will be elections on 7 May 2020. You should bear this in mind when planning your INSET dates.

Please complete the attached form and return it to me at  as soon as possible.

Publication subject:

Solihull Health and Wellbeing Board partners have unanimously agreed to support a call encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).

Children’s vaccine uptake has been slowly decreasing across England since 2012-13, meaning that children have missed out and may remain vulnerable to serious or even fatal infections.

In Solihull, almost 5,500 children aged 1-18 have either had no MMR vaccine or been under-vaccinated because they have only had one of the two recommended doses.

The free MMR vaccine is a safe and effective way of protecting against measles, as well as mumps and rubella.

The first MMR vaccine is given when the child is 1 year old, with a pre-school booster at 3 years 4 months of age. Both doses are required to achieve maximum protection. If children and young adults have missed these vaccinations, it’s not too late.

Parents should check their child’s red book to see if they’ve received MMR vaccinations as scheduled, or speak to their GP surgery if they are unsure.

Young people aged 15-25 are also being encouraged to check that they are covered as they attend their first festivals, travel to countries with ongoing measles outbreaks or start university.

Please share this information with parents, staff, and students (as appropriate) at your school or college. You can also read the full press release here.

Please note the date for the deputy heads’ conference, given in the May 2019 SSSAB newsletter, has changed to Thursday 3 October 2019. Further details and invitations will be sent via Head Lines in September.

Publication subject:

Dear headteacher,

Please find attached below a very useful presentation and an expression of interest form about a sustainable reading project with Pop Up Projects. The presentation was delivered to the council and the Solihull school improvement group on the 10 Sep 2019.

The proposed, sustainable reading project which is suitable for primary, secondary, SEN and PRU schools was delivered by Jasmine Tucker from ‘ Pop Up Projects CIC’. In light of the new focus on reading in the new Ofsted education inspection framework and the importance of reading in schools; this project or something tailored to your schools’ needs is being proposed to you for your consideration.

It was a very useful morning and a very engaging presentation. The headteachers and council advisers who were present for the presentation agreed that it should be circulated to all headteachers in Solihull. Hope you find it useful.

Susan Hickerton
Senior School Improvement Adviser / English LA Lead

Publication subject:

This programme is run by the maths Hubs and consists of a blend of collaborative training and bespoke support, aimed at giving your school an introduction to the ‘Big Ideas’ around teaching for mastery and preparing you for future programmes.

The support within the programme will be spread over the academic year, when you will be part of half-termly group workshops with up to six other schools, as well as receiving half-termly school visits bespoke to your needs.  There is no charge for the workshops or the visits from the Mastery Readiness Lead. The programme will involve your maths lead and another teacher and will need to be supported by the headteacher.

There are are currently seven places available for a group of interested Solihull schools (on a first come, first served basis) for support starting this year. If you would like further information or details of how to register for this programme, please contact Donna Wright ( before end of September 2019.