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School requirements: Equality Act 2010 and advice for schools

Equality Act 2010 and advice for schools

Leaders please read the following and ensure staff are aware of the function of this Act in schools and the protected characteristics within the act  are  reflected on your school website, as a means of good practice.  SEE LINK 1 BELOW.

Since April 2011, schools have also been bound by a part of the Equality Act 2010 called the Public Sector Equality Duty (also known as the PSED or simply the “Equality Duty”).

The Equality Duty replaces the previous three sets of duties on schools to promote disability, gender and race equality through having equality polices and action plans for these groups. Some schools chose to meet these previous duties by combining the three policies into a “single” equality policy.

There is now no requirement for schools to have equality policies, schemes and/or action plans. This has been made clear in the updated list of statutory policies for schools from the Department for Education (DfE).  SEE LINK 2 BELOW.

Publication type: general information, guidance, national updates
School phase: all independent schools, all infant academies, all infant schools, all junior academies, all junior schools, all post 16s, all primary academies, all primary schools, all pupil referral units, all secondary academies, all secondary schools, all special schools
Staff audience: chairs of governing bodies, headteachers/principals/managers
Date published: 12/09/18