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Maths exemplification for greater depth in years 1 and 4

These materials were produced by the Solihull primary mathematics forum following a questionnaire sent to schools, auditing Solihull primary schools’ needs.

Mathematics leads requested support for staff in assessing greater depth in mathematics. The decision was taken to initial provide exemplification for years one and four and to target three of the most difficult areas to assess at greater depth. Maths leads were asked to discuss with their staff which objectives were the trickiest to assess and this information was fed back to the forum. The three most popular objectives for each year group were selected and materials provided in these areas.

Selected objectives:

Year 1

  • Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens
  • Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems
  • Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes, including 2D shapes [for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles] 3D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres].

Year 4

  • Complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry.
  • Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions.
  • Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers
Publication type: document
School phase: all infant academies, all infant schools, all junior academies, all junior schools, all primary academies, all primary schools, all primary pupil referral units
Staff audience: classroom support and pupil support staff, headteachers/principals/managers, mathematics leads, teachers
Date published: 18/09/20