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Key stage 4

As stated in the Review of Religious Education

At Key Stage 4, students may either follow an accredited course such as the Full course GCSE, or a programme of study designed by the school. It is not a statutory requirement that students have to be entered for the GCSE although the Full course is increasingly popular and has a significant entry numbers in local secondary schools and academies. Students who follow the GCSE course do not necessarily have to be entered for the examination but regular assessment of progress should be part of any provision at Key Stage Four.

Students should study Christianity and at least one other faith in depth with reference to other faiths as appropriate.  The aim should remain that the students over their secondary school time should have developed their knowledge of six main faiths and other religious and world views represented in Britain today.

Objectives at Key Stage 4


  • Investigate, study and interpret significant religious and philosophical and ethical issues using a variety of religious language and key terms
  • Develop understanding of and respect for different beliefs and lifestyles and be aware of the importance of dialogue between faiths
  • Interpret and evaluate the diverse experience of individuals within faiths and evaluate how they are expressed both spiritually and physically


  • Develop critical enquiry and thinking skills during their research into religious beliefs and practices and be able to express their ideas in a variety of media
  • Encourage the personal quest for meaning, purpose and value in their own lives increasing their own sense of personal autonomy
  • Develop their skills and ability to formulate reasoned opinion and argument and discuss controversial issues and truth claims with sensitivity and maturity

Key Stage 4 Learning Outcomes