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Found 227 results
Ofsted curriculum workshop Monday 26 November 2018
…this useful and thought-provoking. Ofsted are therefore keen to extend the offer of sharing this with all those that lead curricular thinking in schools. This three-hour workshop aims to provide…
Breakfast with Professor Mick Waters
…SLT Education and Services for Education are proud to be able to offer this exclusive learning and development breakfast meeting to a small number of Headteachers keen to find…
YoungMinds Newsletter
…This week’s newsletter from YoungMinds contains some really useful resources to support pupils’ (and staff’s) mental wellbeing, including an advent calendar of daily activities. Please see the newsletter attached…
Solihull virtual school
…education, target setting, learning, and teaching remains with the schools and settings where they are enrolled. However, it has been found that where another ‘virtual’ school is able to keep…
Solihull Moors football club
…National Curriculum, football and multi sports after school club based at your school as well as support for school football teams training and games. See below for further details….
New School Nursing websites for schools
…there are quizzes, games and interactive features to engage children and young people. There is a website specifically for primary aged children (aged 4-11years) and a site for teenagers at…
Opportunity to volunteer on school appeal panels
…will require a commitment of approximately six days a year. For further information, please contact Jane Game, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager on 0121 704 6051 or email…
Statutory documents
…Practice Guide (March 2021) The national funding formulae for schools and high needs 2021-2022 (July 2020) Schools Forum code of conduct (January 2017) Schools Forum expenses scheme (2018) …
Early years reforms
…to cancel the head reacher early years briefing, 9 March, and attach some reflections for your consideration and to help with your decision-making. Schools will need to respond to the…
Period product scheme for schools and colleges in England
…Hygiene Services Limited (phs). This allows you to order period products and have them delivered when you need them. This guidance contains information on: choosing and ordering period products distributing…