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Child Protection and Children In Need service structure updated March 2017

Publication subject:

An updated version of the Childcare Disqualification Requirements guidance notes has been uploaded onto the HR section of the Extranet, further to an update to the regulations on 31 August 2018. The main change is that disqualification by association no longer applies to schools, so these questions have been removed from the declaration form in Appendix 1. Schools can no longer ask staff questions about cautions or convictions of someone living or working in their household.  Please ensure that the new form is used for new employees who work in ‘relevant work’ in ‘relevant settings’. If you have any questions on the new guidance document, please contact your HR Advisor.

Publication subject:

Childnet International has launched a film competition for children and young people aged 7-18 to share their understanding of online safety issues. The competition is open to UK primary and secondary schools and youth organisations. The closing date is 11 June 2018.

Are you a parent of a child or young person? Are health services being offered in a way that meets children and young people’s needs? Are you under 25 and from Birmingham or Solihull?

If so, we want you to tell us if the local health services that you use could be better and how.

You will find the link to the survey on the flyer attached. It will take about five minutes to complete and the closing date is Friday, 15 March 2019.


Publication subject:

Children Young People Services structure chart updated April 2017

Publication subject: