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Communications (copy)

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Eat well, move more is a healthy lifestyles programme, commissioned by public health, for children aged 4-16 years. The aim is to improve health through increased physical activity, increased intake of fruit and veg, better knowledge of a healthy lifestyle and how to sustain this.

The children who would be involved in the Eat well, move more programme would be those teachers/parents/carers feel there are concerns over their health such as being overweight/underweight, lacking nutritional knowledge, fussy eaters or inactive. The programme is designed to sensitively target these hard to reach groups, therefore we can run programmes for a select group of children or for the whole class as the focus is a healthy lifestyle.

Spaces available for schools during the autumn term or spring term contact to reserve your space.

Attached is a flyer to promote a training session at Sans Souci in conjunction with Council officers, Global Learning Programme and Water Explorers.

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Please find below the framework that was agreed by the SMBC Domestic Abuse Priority Group ahead of International Day on 25th November 2018, for the elimination of violence against women and girls.  Please could you consider how to use it within your organisation, including with staff.

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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) recommends that all schools should have Emergency and Business Continuity plans and procedures in place.

To assist in the development of your Schools Emergency and Business Continuity arrangements the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire (CSW) Resilience Team have reviewed and updated their EASEE guidance. These resources, together with general advice and support, are freely available to you. For further information, please see link/letter below.





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Annual subscriptions to The Key are due for renewal from 1 April 2018. This is a further reminder to schools that have not yet confirmed their requirements to respond to by 28 February 2018. A favourable rate has been negotiated and, as per last year, payment will be arranged as part of the SMBC Single Accountancy invoice to schools. Please see link below for further information.

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