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English as an additional language

The English as an additional language (EAL) service supports both early stage EAL learners and more advanced bilingual/multilingual learners in relation to the acquisition of English. This guidance is aimed at teachers, parents, EAL coordinators, subject leaders and teaching assistants. The aim is to share knowledge and practice in this specialist field such that the learning needs of a range of pupils can be addressed.

The service is committed to:

  • raising achievement through educational inclusion; and
  • recognition of the knowledge, culture and language which bilingual pupils bring to learning.

The success and achievement of pupils depends upon a clearer understanding of their social, cultural and language needs together with knowledge of good EAL teaching practice.

The main aims of the service are to provide:

  • support for new arrivals who have been identified as requiring additional language or curriculum support;
  • information for parents concerning both the maintenance of first/home languages and their child’s acquisition of English and ways in which they may help;
  • advice for schools on the data collection and tracking of all EAL learners including advanced bilingual/multilingual learners;
  • advice on distinguishing the difference between special educational needs and additional language needs of bilingual/multilingual learners; and
  • guidance and training for schools and the local authority on all aspects of bilingualism/multilingualism including more advanced learners of English.